These are all so amazing I can't handle it! 

Stay tuned for the winner, your suggestions are welcomed! 


From the students of I present to you: 

drawn by Adrianna, the princess manatee: 

drawn by Haw Wei, the "Mean-a-tee"

drawn by Nick, the "princess-tee"

drawn by the infamous Mayor Gia...her name is Melissa. She's not tiny, but she thinks she is so please don't critisize her, Gia doesnt want her getting another complex. 

made by Stephanie over at Clay Baboons. She makes these amazing clay creatures & people to go along with her regularly hysterical stories.

made by Valli Ann Warry amazing is this!? This is talent. I want to put it in my underwear I like it so much. 

drawn by the lovely eef-inc, one of my very first followers and favourite cartoons on the web. 

drawn by the insane JRose of Cheeseblarg. I can never get enough of this woman. I would do things to live in her pocket. 

drawn by TheChimp herself, one of my favourite people on the internet. 


  1. Oh my goodness, I love them all!

  2. They're all so awesome! What a great contest. But...I have to say...if I were picking a winner...the crocheted (? knit?) manatee and eke are SO AMAZING!

  3. It's a tie between the drawing from Nick and the crochet from Valli Ann Warry.

  4. Awww too good! I think you have to create prizes for each of them! You know, most colourful, most imaginative, most fun etc... especially for those kids' paintings :) They'll be so proud!

    I absolutely love them all - what a fantastic collection of art and so awesome that people went out of their way and did all of these for you! Great idea and thanks for sharing!

  5. Seriously, how do you pick a winner? These are all so damn cool.

    Also, I have to laugh at Melissa the Manatee, mostly because that's my wife's name. (Melissa. Not 'the Manatee')

  6. Just wanted to let you know, that the comment you left about falling down the steps in Paris was lovely. I'm officially hooked on the two of you - and I can't wait... absolutely can't wait to hear more!

  7. Wow - I'm using my desktop today and the colours on this machine are much better than on my netbook. The art you have displayed above is even more incredible now!
