
Most mornings, I have no idea what I am doing out of bed. And all of the time, I am not happy about whatever situation is happening around me.

Rise? If I must. 
Shine? NON!


  1. Ha, I love it. I'm the same way. A little bit of oppositional defiance disorder, methinks

  2. My old roommate used to get REALLY upset with me when I would say that jokingly in the car at drive thrus where only he could hear me. He was a twat that way.

  3. @JRose haha. My roomate had a rule where I was not allowed to speak with her until I'd had a coffee. I cant in the morning. I just cant.

  4. @Gia IIIIII did not know oppositional defiance disorder was a thing. I like it Gia, I like it very much. Screw the police!
