no time.

I have run out of time.

Seriously I think I used it all up doing something ridiculous like collecting stickers. I use to have all sorts of time, enough to play hide & seek at Ikea or write love letters to David Spade.

I feel like everyday I wake up only to be slapped in the face with a seemingly endless list of tasks. And it's like my job doesn't even like me, it hates me, all it wants is for me to be too tired to live. And my wedding is a monster beast that wants to drink all my blood.

Anyway, I may not be updating here as often as I'd like, and if there's anybody out there actually still reading my cartoons, I am le sorry.


  1. i am out here reading your cartoons from hungary and won't give up on you, no worries:)

  2. I still read your cartoons! And love them!

    Color me disappointed. :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We will still be here when you post! I find myself posting less these days! Whoever invented time needs to be shot! They should make days longer... a lot longer because I just can't get shit done with the little time I have!

  5. Still reading... and if I'm still blogging when you come back - I'll be reading then as well.

  6. Of course we're still reading! Just take some time to hide from the blood-thirsty wedding-monster. It can be a real killer.

  7. No worries! We understand! Stuff happen... especially wine stuff.

  8. I'm here reading your cartoons!! And dont stop even if only once in a while because they give me the few seconds I allow myself to smile a day because my days - they sound JUST like yours! :)

  9. Love seeing you in my reader Eek.
    Seriously think you ought to approach a magazine/s with your cartoons.

  10. Meh, draw it and we will come

    Don't draw it, and we will probably still come

  11. Take a rest and come back. Tell time to start giving more of itself.

  12. I have been enjoying every time I can stop by and don't coment often enough... you are fab and worth le wait.


  13. Hello Eke, I know you're super busy - but just leaving this message off at all the blogs I follow with the hopes that some of them will turn up :-)

    I've made a birthday blog for a friend of mine - and I'm hoping everyone will stop by for a visit and help make it a success. Here's the link if you have time:


  14. I'm still reading! I'm with you, life is so annoying.
